June 19, 2019
Zone 5 for ‘A Colossal Find’ is now available; Colax the Historian has made his way to Lushlost Forest to investigate the colossi temple, but he is not alone.
This coming weekend will be Midsummer weekend, celebrating the Solar Maiden, Mina! From 12 PM Friday (UTC), June 21st, until 12 PM the following Monday (UTC), any Draft reward chests you open (except the Gold Champion chest) will also contain a guaranteed Astral card. Additionally, there will be a great deal on Common-Free Astral boosters in the store!
Bug Fixes
Anchored Soul now also protects Combo Buffs.
Ancestral Communion will no longer act unexpectedly if cards you play also draw cards or shuffle the deck.
Starhorn Tusker should no longer increase damage done if you don’t have access to Solar.
Treetop Tribunal can no longer be removed on its 4th corner.
Time-Jumper Rylox will now work correctly if you play multiple Time or Lightning cards before the other one.
The animation for cards moving from discard pile to deck while Anti-Matter Field is in play will now work correctly.